College Essay Writing LiveOnline Bootcamp
Craft your best essays to perfect your application with
detailed feedback from our college admissions team.
Write the Perfect College Essay
Colleges are looking for students who will add meaningful value to their community. In this bootcamp we will teach you how to deliver this message. We will:
Review what admissions readers like to see in your essays
Identify a topic for your personal statement and provide feedback on drafts
The Princeton Review is offering a variety of access lengths including a 12-month access period.
Brainstorm ideas for common supplemental essay prompts
Strategize how to organize essay requirements and outline a writing schedule
Preview the Common App and share tips for completing a strong application

How it Works:
Classes are 1 hour of interactive learning, followed by 30 minutes of dedicated work time, office hours and 1-on-1 time with the instructor.
Students will be assigned homework to complete and return.* Instructors will review and provide notes prior to the following meeting.
Assignments will include an essay brainstorming worksheet and three drafts of your personal statement essay.