You’ve got your PSAT® score.
Learn about your next move.
Welcome to private, one-on-one tutoring with The Princeton Review. Providing totally individual attention, tutoring tackles your unique challenges to get your SAT and ACT scores to where you need them to be.
From your schedule to your areas of improvement to your overarching goals, our program offers a great leap forward—right in the direction of your dream school.
A higher score is a guarantee.*
I scored a 36! I highly recommend having tutors from The Princeton Review tutor you for ACT and SAT help.
—Kelan, ACT student
Our son’s tutor analyzed his practice test scores and provided on-point tips, guidance, and practice problem recommendations that helped him improve his test-taking skills in the specific areas in which he needed it. His final score on the SAT was outstanding.
—Amanda, Parent

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Master of Prep
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Cracking Standardized Tests
Put our 35 years of test-cracking experience to work for you. We can help you choose the right tests for you, plan when to take them, and prep you to get your best score.
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Maximize Your Score Potential
Close the gap between the score you have and the score you want—the score that will help you get into your target schools—with a prep plan customized for you.