Sketch №1. Moscow public transportation

Утро большого города. Маршрутка ползет по долгим московским пробкам. Кто-то дремлет, кто-то напряженно смотрит вперед, понимая, что опаздывает на работу. Сотни, тысячи раз мы были участниками этого действия. И только художник увидел все это другими глазами.

Андрей Сурнов вновь работает здесь крупными массами, используя фактически монохромное решение в черно-белых тонах. Минимальными средствами добивается он фантастически точного освещения, характерного для пасмурного зимнего утра. Несколько пятен и штрихов – и перед нами осязаемое пространство. Мы словно сами оказываемся в теплом салоне автомобиля, а впереди, за лобовым стеклом в сыром и зябком воздухе горят красные аккорды фар, рифмующихся с охристыми пятнами лиц.

Смелая, материальная в своей плотности живопись так композиционно безошибочна, что мы можем угадать характеры и настроение пассажиров маршрутки, несмотря на то, что они сидят к нам спиной.

Это один из серии скетчей, созданных Андреем Сурновым по  зарисовкам с натуры, которые он делает на IPad во время поездок в московском транспорте.

Morning of the big city. A minibus creeps along the long Moscow traffic jams. Someone is napping, someone is looking forward intensely, realizing that he is late for work. Hundreds, thousands of times we have been participants in this process. And only the artist saw all this with different eyes.

Andrei Surnov again uses large monochrome figures. With minimal features, it provides fantastically accurate lighting, typical of a cloudy winter morning. A few spots and strokes – and we have a tangible space. It seems that we were sitting in the warm interior of the car, and in front of us, behind the windshield in humid and cold air, were red headlights.

The dense and bold color is so impeccable in composition that we can guess the character and mood of the passengers of the minibus, despite the fact that they are sitting with their backs to us.

This is one of a series of sketches created by Andrei Surnov from life, which he does on the iPad while traveling in Moscow transport.

Morning of the big city. A minibus creeps along the long Moscow traffic jams. Someone is napping, someone is looking forward intensely, realizing that he is late for work. Hundreds, thousands of times we have been participants in this process. And only the artist saw all this with different eyes.

Andrei Surnov again uses large monochrome figures. With minimal features, it provides fantastically accurate lighting, typical of a cloudy winter morning. A few spots and strokes – and we have a tangible space. It seems that we were sitting in the warm interior of the car, and in front of us, behind the windshield in humid and cold air, were red headlights.

The dense and bold color is so impeccable in composition that we can guess the character and mood of the passengers of the minibus, despite the fact that they are sitting with their backs to us.

This is one of a series of sketches created by Andrei Surnov from life, which he does on the iPad while traveling in Moscow transport.